As his lawyer, I was entrusted to consult how to pay tax on his performing in China. 他委托我咨询一下到中国演出怎么纳税?
If I do any overtime, can you pay me under the table so I won't have pay tax on it. 如果我加班,你能私下给我付工资吗,这样我就不用交税了。
Will it be taken out of my salary or do I pay tax once a year? 是会从我工资里扣还是每年一次性缴齐呢?
Enterprises and institutions should bring intellectual property law into line with their educational plans for popularization of legal knowledge. Taxpayer: my nationality is Japan, if I must pay tax on all sources of income in both China and Japan, what should I do? 企事业单位要把知识产权法律纳入本单位的普法教育计划。纳税人:我是日本国的公民,如果按两国的法律我的境内、境外收入都要纳税的话,怎么办?
Taxpayers providing taxable services shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the taxable services take place. 纳税人提供应税劳务,应当向应税劳务发生地主管税务机关申报纳税。
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall relieve any person of his obligation to pay tax. 但本款并不免除任何人的缴付税款责任。
She was let go without having to pay tax. 这样这位女士没有付税便通过了。
Want the company that is independent business accounting only, dividing size is to pay tax euqally. 只要是独立核算的公司,不分大小都是一样交税。
We shall pay tax in accordance with law. 我们将依法纳税,守法经营。
Taxpayer: my nationality is Japan, if I must pay tax on all sources of income in both China and Japan, what should I do? 纳税人:我是日本国的公民,如果按两国的法律我的境内、境外收入都要纳税的话,怎么办?
Answer: if you have a business which earns more than sek16000 per year, you must pay tax. 答:你的生意每年能给你赚超过16000克朗的话,你就一定要付税。
China and other nations do not pay tax on the interest they earn on US Treasuries. 中国和其它国家无需为美国国债的投资所得纳税。
If you are living overseas, you may not have to pay tax in your own country. 如果你生活在海外,可以不必在你自己的国家付税。
Entities or individuals which are obligated to pay tax in accordance with the law or the administrative regulations are the taxpayers. 法律、行政法规规定负有纳税义务的单位和个人为纳税人。
People who earn under a certain amount ar not liable to pay tax. 收入低于一定数额者不必纳税。
In duty free shops, you don't have to pay tax. 在免税店不用付税。
Both city and town dweller should pay tax. 城镇居民都需要纳税。
Had0 to declare, whether need not pay tax? 有了零申报,是否就不用缴税了?
Sample also should pay tax, import value added tax follows custom duty. 样品也要交税啊,进口增值税跟关税。
In cases there is no withholding agent, the taxpayer shall file a return and pay tax himself. 没有扣缴义务人的,由纳税义务人自行申报纳税。
A sole proprietorship enterprise shall fulfill its obligation to pay tax in accordance with the law. 个人独资企业应当依法履行纳税义务。
They are also resentful that few officials pay tax, even though many have big incomes from shady dealings. 他们对于即使许多官员拥有很高的灰色收入也没什么人纳税也愤愤不平。
How to pay tax on the income from international technology guidance? 涉外技术指导费如何纳税?
In his last budget before Hong Kong returned to China, Mr Tsang raised basic allowances before people had to pay tax. 曾先生在香港回归中国前做的最后一次预算案中,提高了个人税前基本限额。
Taxpayer: I know a little about levying tax on salary, but how do I pay tax on director fees? 纳税人:工资的计税方法我了解一些,董事费如何计征?
The paper analyzes the right and duty for enterprise to pay tax and put forward the methods for enterprise plan to economize the amount tax. 本文分析了税法赋予纳税人的权利和义务,提出了企业纳税筹划的具体方法,达到了节税的目的。
But rural migrants often work without contracts and do not pay tax or contribute to welfare funds; 但农村移民在城里的工作往往没有正式合同,更不用说登记纳税或支付福利金。
They are hired out of your post-tax income, and they will also have to pay tax themselves. 雇人的钱来自你的税后收入,而被雇的人自己还要纳税。
I pay tax out of my wages every week. 我每星期都从工资里缴税。